Beranda / Tentang Kami

Tentang Kami

AudioWrap’s combination of aesthetics and sound technology will make a fashionistas of audiophiles — and vice versa. AudioWrap is a premium earphone design crossing over Hong Kong X Copenhagen, of which it doubles as stylish fashion accessories. The brand’s founder, Sandy WS Lam, believes in merging practical industry know-how with attractive design. With a versatile background in science, cultural studies and manufacturing, as well as a Catholic school education, Lam is influenced by art, both Eastern and Western cultures and religion. Our designs are a harmonious blend of great audio quality and fashion. It is an electronic product that you can wear as an accessory, as we decorate the cables with skulls, beads, and colourful braids. Usually, when you are not using your earphones, you put them away in your bag or pocket where they end up getting all tangled. Audiopark's earphones are made to be worn as a bracelet, necklace or belt. This way, you always have your earphones within reach, they will remain tangle-free and on top of that, it looks great. AudioWrap earphones are equipped with our proprietary microV drivers. This serves as the best noise cancelling headphones, so you can enjoy your favourite songs to the fullest at the lowest possible volume. This personal audio devices are designed for healthy hearing and best sound. Every new collections are beloved by the celebrities worldwide, musicians, Hollywood stars and directors, models, Ms and Mr campus in Japan, Malaysia and Hong Kong and many stylists. The major reason is that they really love seeing the all the details, the adornments on the earphones, the innovative technology and great audio quality of our products. After all, Audiopark is trying to bring back the long lost emotional content embedded in sound that should be felt with the soul. My aim is to let people truly enjoy the music they are listening to. I want them to be moved and touched by the music, and I want to the sound should be healthy and safe. AudioWrap 精品手工耳機,破天莣地把耳机和传统工艺结合,我們的編織師父匠心一針一步編織,每針每線均勻展現,把小巧的耳机带进巨大无限的创意领域,務求做到極致,就如奢侈品中的愛馬仕,産品皆出於最高品質呈現的理念而製造,既屬美國明星圈中的至愛,暢銷日本,以及北歐國家。 AW81M扭紋樂系列,是一種多用途的時尚配飾,既是耳機,也可以作為腕带、項鏈、皮带或鏈條用途。具備多色選擇,如赤紅、橘紅、金黃、卡其、冷灰、軍綠、天藍、寶藍、紫紅、石榴紅與黑白色。擁有兩至三副不同顏色的耳機,你便可隨時轉換形象,無論優雅時或活潑,都可隨時變身。 AW71M 百分百全手工編織,設有彩虹、酷金屬、糖果、田園四個系列。「彩虹」是新生活、承諾、希望和統一的象徵;「酷金屬」具有溫柔和硬朗的一面;「糖果」無疑是對甜美氣質的加冕;「田園」則是加強仙氣氣場不可或缺的殺手鐧。 Audiowrap承襲了自古以來的手工編織藝術,用彩虹、金屬等概念,破天荒將傳統手工藝術與高科技電子產品糅合,展現了我們每天都喜歡使用的個人音響產品——耳機。 AW71M系列每件精品僅售HK$698。簡易百搭款AW81M每件僅售HK$298。